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Myrica rubra 'Yangmai' (seed)

also called Poplar Plum, Red Bayberry or Yumberry


Attention: not to be confused with Arbutus unedo (strawberry tree)


An originally subtropical, evergreen tree from China with impressive fruits. The color of the fruit varies from reddish to almost black.


As with other subtropical species, there may be more hardiness potential in here than meets the eye. Seedlings have survived minus 5 degrees Celsius (23 °F) without damage. The seeds offered are from the northernmost range exclusively from high altitudes with light frosts and snow in the hope of being able to select the hardiest phenotypes.


Once "Yangmai" is well established, it can absorb plenty of water and fertilizer and grow quickly. Fruit shoots should be shortened to 30 cm for maximum yield.


Seed was harvested from both red-fruited and dark red/black-fruited trees in about equal proportions.


The germination rate, tested by us, is 75 percent.


Be sure to follow the sowing instructions!

Myrica rubra 'Yangmai' (seed)

SKU: 70001001
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  • Be sure to use clean water."Yangmai" is sensitive to root rot, so hygiene is extremely important. Otherwise relatively easy and frugal. 

    • Put the seeds in warm water at 40 to a maximum of 50 degrees Celsius (104-122 °F) and let them soak for 3 to 4 hours.
    • Then change the water and let it soak for another 12 hours at 20 degrees Celsius (68 °F).
    • (Whether the seeds need a cold phase (stratification) or not is debatable, it should also work without it.) But we store them in the refrigerator for two weeks in the germination bag with sphagnum moss, moist but not wet.
    • And then let them germinate in sphagnum at around 20 degrees Celsius (68 °F) too. The seeds then gradually emerge in the germination bag and can be transplanted. 

    After that, continued cultivation in a well-drained substrate is important. Sandy soil is best. Cold and moisture in the seedling and young stage should be avoided. 


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